Apostle Bible Davids

+1 888 63 BIBLE (24253)


The Movement

Every Soul Counts

The Gospel is not a static religion, the Gospel is a living, moving force that flows like the mighty wave of the ocean and releases its life-giving force to transform the Nations

On your cell phone, through the Miracle Prayer Line Teleconference, on your computers, through the Weekly Newsletter, Youtube Channel and this website, and through the powerful Supernatural Experience Conferences and many other ministry initiatives, Bible Davids Ministries is a Holy Ghost Movement that is bringing healing and hope to a dying world.

Miracle Prayer Line

Amazing things happen when people come into agreement. It's a principle directly from God's Word, and Bible Davids Ministries is dedicated to praying in unity with people all over the world who desire to see the Holy Spirit's miracle-working power unleashed. The Miracle Prayer Line-MPL is a Teleconference where thousands call in to be part of the prophetic and miracle encounter with God.

Legends of Faith Series

From the highrise of North America to the plains of Africa and around the world, God is still moving mightily through anointed vessels who are empowered by His Spirit. Our vision at the Legends of Faith Series is to research and document the lives and ministry of these exceptional Christian leaders who are helping to remold modern history of the Church.

Legends of Faith

Supernatural Life Center

With headquarters located in Toronto Canada and network in other parts of the world, Supernatural Life Center is pioneering a fresh move of the Spirit as a place for for real Holy Ghost experience. Apostle Bible Davids has pioneered many churches that are serving local communities and making global impact.

Supernatural Life
Television Broadcast

Watched in Canada and spreading to other parts of North America, The Supernatural Life Telecast spreads the precious Gospel of Jesus Christ, teach the unchanging Word of God and release God's Miracle working power to millions of homes. We have received numerous testimonies of healing and salvation from the viewers.

Supernatural Night Of Miracles

Supernatural Night of Miracles is the empowerment conference hosted by Bible Davids Ministries. Apostle Bible Davids takes God's miracle working power to the nations of the earth. Supernatural Night of Miracles is a blend of in depth teaching of God's Word, anointed worship and the release of God's supernatural power for miracles, healing and deliverance. Souls are won into God's Kingdom and testimonies follow each event

Help Feed The Nations

There are no adequate words to describe the level of hunger and degradation which exists in many parts of the world where the Bible Davids Ministries is currently doing on ground missions of feeding, hunger family especially children, providing shoes, for impoverished students who have to trek many miles to school every day because their parents can't afford to buy them shoes.

Bible Davids Ministries

Supernatural Leadership Institute

Supernatural Leadership Institute is the breeding ground for giants and the birth place for greatness. The vision of SLI is to raise a new breed of leaders who are cultivated in the nature and culture of the Kingdom of God. The institute is equipped with cutting edge curriculum and facilitators which creates a trajectory in the minds of all our students.

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