Apostle Bible Davids

+1 888 63 BIBLE (24253)


To This Generation

Apostle Bible Davids had an unusual encounter with Jesus Christ in 1989. The Lord anointed him and said, “Son, I raise you up as a pillar in My Kingdom for the end-time to preach the word of power for the deliverance of mankind” By the grace of God, he began to minister the Word of God right from the age of ten to thousands of people. He has committed his life to bringing the Supernatural Power and Presence of God to the whole world with the vision to Propagate the Gospel, Activate the Supernatural Cultivate Kingdom Culture and Navigate Destiny.

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The Mandate

We present the total Gospel to the total man Supernatural Experience caters to the spiritual need by reaching the lost with the Gospel and empowering believers in the Supernatural activations The Leadership Institute and other Teaching platforms shifts the mind and raise a new breed of cutting edge Kingdom leaders

Supernatural Life Center is Kingdom Powerhouse in different cities of the world that’s raising an army of Spirit filled believers who are impacting the communities Feed the Nations bring food and other humanitarian supplies to regions who are in extreme poverty catering to the physical needs of people

Outreach (Feed The Nations)

There are no adequate words to describe the level of hunger and degradation which exists in many parts of the world where Bible Davids Ministries is currently doing on-ground missions.

The missions include the feeding of hungry families, especially children, providing shoes for impoverished students who have to trek many miles to school every day because their parents can’t afford to buy them shoes.

You are the extension of God’s love and favour to a world in desperate need. Become A Supernatural Partner Today.

become a Supernatural Partner today.

A whole lot of people's lives will be changed for all eternity because you obey God. Whenever we stand on the podium and see thousands run to the altar to give their lives to Christ. Every time we give a plate of food to a hungry family, we see the smile on their faces. I want you to know my friends that you play a significant role in making it happen.

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2 Corinthians 9:7 – “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” 



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When we speak the language of God’s love, the whole world can hear us. Become a Supernatural Partner Today

The greatest revelation in the Word of God is covenant. Everything God does, rises and falls on the power of covenant. You can call it partnership. That is the secret to God working with us, God working through us and God using us together to make a big difference in the earth realm. When we connect together in covenant practice, the only person that loses is the devil. The kingdom of God is blessed. The people of God are blessed, and even the person that plant their seed are blessed with a mighty harvest in their finances and all areas of life.

A Message From Apostle
Bible Davids

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