Spiritual Warfare Confessions – Apostle Bible Davids


Engage the force of God to break the yokes of the enemy. God’s spiritual warfare power is transmitted through the anointed confession in this 45 minute CD. Chant along with Rev. Bible Davids as he declares God’s Word over your life. This is your moment for spiritual breakthrough.



Walk in Supernatural Victory Over the Enemy!

The reality of spiritual warfare touches all Christian believers.  It doesn’t matter if you are aware or not of the ongoing battle between the forces of light and darkness, God’s Kingdom, and demonic powers; the truth is, ignorance is not an excuse when it comes to spiritual warfare.  Satan would rather have you ignorant than armed with revelation knowledge because ignorance gives the enemy a better advantage to unleash his vicious onslaught against your life.  To ignore the devil is to invite him to operate. You cannot sit idle and pretend that Satan likes you or maybe he will be indifferent about you.

There is no middle ground in spiritual warfare.  You are either on the Lord’s side or you are not.  You can either be victorious or defeated.  Jesus Christ, the Captain of our salvation, has clearly given us the marching order in His Word to take the Kingdom by spiritual violence.  We fight a real enemy whose mission is deadly; he wants to steal, kill and destroy.  Use the Prophetic Prayers in this Spiritual Warfare Confessions CD to launch offensive warfare against the works of the enemy in your life.


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