Brand New: Activate A Fresh Start


This anointed book will be used by God to ignite the Supernatural Fire of God. The symbol of fire is one of the great manifestations of the Presence and Power of God in the scriptures. When God decides to show up like fire, it means He is ready to ignite your heart with a new vibrancy and give you momentum on a whole new level. It also means He will destroy and consume everything that is blocking the progress He designed for you. Fire refines gold and takes away the debris, making it new.



Just like Elijah called down fire on Mount Carmel, in the next 21 days, you will speak into manifestation the fire of God; the Consuming fire and the Refiner’s Fire. After the fire purifies you, a brand new you will emerge. Get ready to rediscover yourself on a whole new level. Let the worn-out and old version of you be renewed as God unravels and refines you to emerge in power and grandeur.

“He who was seated on the throne said, I am making everything new!” – Rev 21:5

God is making all things new for you. He will position new people into your life and renew old relationships. God will take you to new places where you have never been before. New doors, new opportunities, and new horizons will begin to come together for you. This is your season of the Brand New!


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